Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Top 5 Christian words that everyone knows

Being a Christian Blogger and Podcaster, I come across the same Christian words over and over.  We as Christians get all kinds of words thrown at us all the time. You don’t even need to be Christian to know what “our” words are when you hear them. So,  I thought would put out my top 5 Christian words that everyone knows.

5. Fellowship – Not one I use much on my site, but I hear it quite a bit; it’s when two or more Christians are in one another's company. So this is one that is getting harder and harder to have every day. Trying to get two open Christians together at work, where I spend most my time, is rough. I am lucky to sit next to a outstanding Christian gentlemen all day, in fellowship! We call it the PLZ(Platonic Love Zone)….yes, that is right…lol

4. Worldly – One of my favorite and I use it all the time. This is the word I use to describe the secular world or “being of the world”. This is a bad one to be!

3. Premarital sex – Well it’s technically two words, and it’s an eye opener in Church! I think the meaning is self explanatory. My advice, don’t do it. No, really don’t.

2. Sin – In today’s society, this is a moving target that everyone thinks is different for everyone. I am reading a book called the Bible that talks about not doing bad things. Yes, the rules are the same for us all.

1. Holy – I love this one and it’s a hard one to accomplish. God commands us to be Holy because he is Holy. This is what we should all shoot for. Want to hear more about being Holy? Catch Episode 8 of my Podacast on 1 Peter. Yes, I can plug my Podcast, it’s my list, ha!

Thanks for checking in and God Bless! >>John

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