Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You don’t have to do this alone.

 “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” - Colossians 2:8 

There is a way of life or philosophy that greatly engages our mind and soul. It improves mankind and solidifies our faith in our Lord; it is the study of the Word and the Works of God. There is also a way of life or a counter philosophy that is conceited, vain, deceitful, void of Faith and completely self serving. This is the philosophy of the Worldly. What we believe, is our base or center of operations for our lives and how we conduct ourselves as humans. Everything depends on this center. 

The first way, is in total acceptance of the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ for our sins. These people are in Christ, saved from the punishment due under the shadow of their sin; they are living in a holy, sanctifying, dead to sin and in a mutual loving relationship with our Lord God.

The second way of life is a sad, disappointing existence and worthy of much pity. They live blinded by false idols, hardened hearts, and are content in relying on their own strength in everything. Their backs are turned against Christ, brushing His helping arms away. They are failing to truly see and accept their sin, failures, hurt and disappointments as a load only Christ can forgive, carry and guild them through.

If you are hurting, tired and broken, Christ is waiting for you. Tell Him you accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Ask for God’s forgiveness for your sins. Ask Him to come into your life and make you new again. Ask Him to guild your thoughts, mind and heart, all the days of your life. Many of us have been broken by trying to carry the hurt and pains of life on our own. This is a futile fight that you don’t have to endure alone. Jesus loves you so much; He laid down His life for you. And because of His perfect sacrifice He rose again, securing your salvation. May God Bless you.

Thanks for checking in and God Bless >>John

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