Hello everyone! I have a request for prayers, and if you can, monetary support for a good friend who will be making a short-term mission trip to Haiti. Anthony is a great guy, I have known him since we where kids and he has a big heart for serving the Lord! I am getting this out a bit late so a quick response would be great!
Their team of 11 is based out of Berean Community Church in Rochester, MN. They will be leaving March 27, 2011 and returning April 6, 2011. They will be spending time in Ennery and Limbe (home base) for Grace Missions. God willing they will try to serve others in nearby towns. This team is very motivated to serve God and the people of Haiti in the midst of the recent Hurricane fallout and cholera outbreak. Below is from Anthony about their goals:
They have been asked to raise $1300 and you can participate by praying, donating or both! Part of the money will be given to the people of Haiti who serve them meals during their trip. Please prayerfully consider supporting Anthony and his team. Give as your heart leads you not out of compulsion or necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver! (2 CORINTHIANS 9:7)
Below is a list from Anthony of things to be in prayer about for their team:
• That God's plans would be the mission team's plans.
• The current unrest in Haiti to settle down.
• That God would break us of ourselves and we would seek His leading in sharing the gospel in Haiti.
• Funds and resources for the trip. We have raised 20% of the funds needed for the trip.
• Lord willing, a well could be drilled while we are there in Ennery where our sister church is located - providing clean water to the people of Ennery.
• My strength and stamina. It will be a tough trip for me, but Jesus didn't go to the easy places - He went to the hard places.
Updates here
Prayer is the biggest need for our team, but if the Spirit leads to give finances toward this trip, people can send donations to:
Berean Community Church
3157 Kenosha Drive
Rochester, MN 55902
Checks should be made out to Berean Community Church with "Haiti Missions Trip" in the memo line.
Their team of 11 is based out of Berean Community Church in Rochester, MN. They will be leaving March 27, 2011 and returning April 6, 2011. They will be spending time in Ennery and Limbe (home base) for Grace Missions. God willing they will try to serve others in nearby towns. This team is very motivated to serve God and the people of Haiti in the midst of the recent Hurricane fallout and cholera outbreak. Below is from Anthony about their goals:
“Our primary purpose in going continues to be the same – to share the good news of Jesus and be a light to others. Whereas some people going on the trip are first timers and don’t know what to expect, I am hoping to accomplish some things that I have not been able to during my last two visits. For example, there is a little person (an “LP”) who lives in the town of Cap Hatien who I would like to visit. Cap Hatien is the town we fly in and out of and I have seen this individual sitting on the sidewalk on both my trips leaving. There is also a park in the town of Limbe where I would like to speak and share the good news of Jesus with others. I have built relationships with people in Haiti during my past two trips and I want to continue to be an encouragement to them.
Anthony on a previous trip to Haiti
playing with some children.
Clean water supplies are very scarce in Haiti and as such, our team has been hoping and praying about building a well at the church in Limbe or even at our sister church in Ennery. Finally, the bible says in James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Grace missions is already making an impact taking care of orphans. We are hoping somehow make an impact on the lives of the elderly in Haiti.”
They have been asked to raise $1300 and you can participate by praying, donating or both! Part of the money will be given to the people of Haiti who serve them meals during their trip. Please prayerfully consider supporting Anthony and his team. Give as your heart leads you not out of compulsion or necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver! (2 CORINTHIANS 9:7)
Below is a list from Anthony of things to be in prayer about for their team:
• That God's plans would be the mission team's plans.
• The current unrest in Haiti to settle down.
• That God would break us of ourselves and we would seek His leading in sharing the gospel in Haiti.
• Funds and resources for the trip. We have raised 20% of the funds needed for the trip.
• Lord willing, a well could be drilled while we are there in Ennery where our sister church is located - providing clean water to the people of Ennery.
• My strength and stamina. It will be a tough trip for me, but Jesus didn't go to the easy places - He went to the hard places.
Updates here
Prayer is the biggest need for our team, but if the Spirit leads to give finances toward this trip, people can send donations to:
Berean Community Church
3157 Kenosha Drive
Rochester, MN 55902
Checks should be made out to Berean Community Church with "Haiti Missions Trip" in the memo line.
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