Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The world did not know it will not know us.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. -1 John 3:1

The more news I read, the more nonsense I see in our schools(US), TV, movies and hear in music, the more my heart hurts for this world. It is hates God. People are happily marching toward a cliff unwilling to hear that they are going to fall.

The last thing non believers need to worry about is so called "judgment" or "intolerance" from Christians; for we happily admit WE are not the judge. I place this question to you Non Believers; believing what we Christians do about salvation and Heaven, how much would Christians have to hate you to say nothing about your impending fall? How much would we have to hate someone to not help them get to Jesus and salvation?

One difference between a Christian and Non believer is Christians want to stop you from falling off that cliff(that you choose to say is not there); your belief system would let everyone walk off the cliff just to not sound judgmental or intolerant. Christians are about love, yes we are all sinners and we are all broken. You must remember that people can call themselves anything they want; you WILL know a Christian by their fruit. Don't let the hateful people put a wedge between you and God.

Thanks for checking in. God Bless>>John

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