The other day I found the Bible I had as a kid packed away with some books. I don’t remember when, where or how I got it and there is nothing special about it other than the content. Many emotions and memories came to me as I looked it over. I remember in many hard times I read it, no rhyme or reason, I just read parts flipping through the pages hoping God would answer me somehow. In that time, I really had no idea how to approach reading the Bible, which I think is something many people can relate to. I knew there was much to learn and know, but I had no idea how to gain this knowledge. This was the beginning of my love for the Word of God.
In the last several years I have been feeling the call to teach from the Bible. So in trying to work out what I felt was a call 4 or so years ago, I started a Christian blog and a little later a bible study podcast on the book of 1st Peter. Now I may be a terrible writer, bad speaker and lacking as a teacher, but I love doing it. I love talking about the Bible and what Jesus did for us and more personally, what He did for me. I am very much a work in progress and I thank God at minimum, every morning when I wake up and every night before bed for what He has blessed me with. I love my family more than anything on this earth and if I can pass on something to all four of my children, it would be my passion to love and learn more about Jesus. I hope they will always stay on the narrow path.
I love looking at that old bible because it reminds me of where much of my curiosity for learning about God came from and how far I have come as a man and how much more I have to go. More importantly it reminds me how forgiving, loving and awesome God is and how far He has brought me as a Christian. In this life I will never be worthy of what Christ did for me, but I don't want it to be for a lack of trying.
So go dig out your bible and read it. Find out why after 2000 years, Jesus, a poor carpenter who never traveled more than 200 miles from home, is still the most important and compelling figure of all time. It could change your life. May God bless you.
Merry Christmas everyone, thanks for checking in >>John
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