Friday, May 27, 2011

1st Peter 1:8-9 - Love without Seeing

Love without Seeing – Though we don’t see Christ face to face with our physical eyes, we do see Him in another way that is even more important.

Music: “Lovesick” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please check out and support their ministry at!

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

1st Peter 1:6-7 - Get refined!

What does your faith prove? When you face hardship in life, how do you react? Life is filled with many pains, it is not enough to simply endure them.

Music: “Psalm 91–Beautiful My God” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Check them out at!

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Friday, May 13, 2011

1st Peter – 1:3-5 Born Again

Episode 3 of the study of 1st Peter – Born Again: The blessing, mercy and hope in our salvation.Music: “Walk on the water” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Check them out at! Contact me at :

Reminder : I have joined and I am re-releasing the 1st Peter Podcasts. Sorry for those of you who have listened to all the first 12 Episodes of 1st Peter. I will be rerecording some of them, so they might not all be the same. You could also check out some of the many other studies on until week 13 and pick up the 1st Peter study then.For those of you who are new, glad to have you!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

1st Peter – 1:1-2 Christian Discrimination?

Reminder : I have joined and I am re-releasing the 1st Peter Podcasts. Sorry for those of you who have listened to all the first 12 Episodes of 1st Peter. I will be rerecording some of them, so they might not all be the same. You could also check out some of the many other studies on until week 13 and pick up the 1st Peter study then.For those of you who are new, glad to have you!!

Episode 2 of the study of 1st Peter – Christian Discrimination?.

Have you ever felt people think of you or treat you differently because you are a Christian? Have you ever felt the pressures of staying true to your faith and still trying to fit-in in an ever growing secular world? Peter has some words for us concerning this topic and more as we move into Episode 2 of the study of 1 Peter.

Music: “Lovesick” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Check them out at! Contact me at :

Friday, May 6, 2011

Did God choose individual Christians?

Did God choose individual Christians because He knew they would believe in Him? Or God choose them and that’s why they believed in Him?

Salvation (election) is not an accidental event, but it is a part of God's salvation plan from the very beginning. It is God who initiated a person's salvation by choosing them first before they chose Him, “Through the sanctifying work of the Spirit”.

We are the elect based on God's foreknowledge of our acceptance of the Gospel, given that God's desire is to save all persons (1 Pet. 3:9), and that, in accordance with His desire to save all, God has provided the means for saving all (2 Pet. 2:1). If God has the desire to save all, and the means to save all, then why are only some elected? "Individual choice".

God has let us have the choice to choose him, to love him. Love cannot be forced, so if God had already decided that we would just all come to him, with no choice, then this would not be love. God loves us enough to let us chose. God does know what we would chose if given the choice to accept him. God wants to save all of us but only the chosen or elect, because of their faith in Him will be. Of course remember, God must first draw us in order for us to respond but everyone has at least a momentary opportunity to choose him.

Jesus said in (John 6:44), “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.''

Hope this helps!

Thanks for checking in and God Bless >> John